BOOOOOO Conflict of Interest: Getting ready for SDCC 2014

Today my post is short. So I just wanted to say


I work for an events department that handle a huge majority of the Comic Con events in our meeting spaces. One of them is Mr. Game of Thrones himself Mr. George RR Martin. Though he is attending Comic Con in one of the events we are handling he will be promoting his new book. I wanted to cover that panel as an article for the blog but since I work for the events management…I am not allowed to be in the program space unless its work related. BOOOOO Conflict of interest,.

Same Goes to Sneak peak at the new Hobbit film, and any Cartoon Network Panel at the Hilton Bayfront.  Can’t go there unless work related.


I will be however looking for Mr. Zen Pencils Mr. Gavin Aung Than

May try out the Gotham Zip Line

Game of Thrones at the Omni Hotel

Will try to Catch the Shield Dinner (I have a birthday of a 1 year old to attend to 😦  )

Pictures and of course

Walking dead Escape!


So this week I will try to post as much articles and Photoblogs about Comic Con as much as I can.



Are Ready for the Con? Off Site Comic Con Events



SD-CC-Offsite Map



I’m sure my fellow geeks, gamers and convention enthusiasts are. Even people who were unfortunate to get a ticket are pumped for the 2014 San Diego Comic Con

Why? because, even without a badge there are many ways to still take part of the biggest comic convention on Earth by just hanging around Gaslamp San Diego.

How?  Well for starters, keep tabs of the SDCC website for event schedule

Next is to also keep tabs of the San Diego gaslamp Website and the Unofficial SDCC Blog page for the Offsite Events list which is updated regularly
If you are new to San Diego and you need a bit of direction on which party or lounge you need to go to you can look up Google map’s SDCC 2014 map list

Then there is Twitter & Facebook.  You may want to follow the following for freebies update and contest around town

SDCC Blog –

When Nerds Attack –
Some Offsite Events you may want to keep an eye on are:

Nerdy Bar Hop

Active Lifestyle NERDS!

San Diego, CA
2,127 Active Nerds

Greetings! Welcome to the Active Lifestyle Nerds Meetup community. This meetup was designed to bring out your inner-nerd and introduce it to other inner-nerds around your area…

Next Meetup

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Saturday, Jul 12, 2014, 12:00 PM
9 Attending

Check out this Meetup Group →

GameSpot Base Station – Gaslamp area

Enchantment Under The SDCC – SDCCBlog Reader Party!
Chance to win a 1 day Comic Con Pass to use any day

Walking Dead Experience at Petco Park

Xbox Lounge – Seaport Ballroom on the second level of the Harbor Tower at the Manchester Grand Hyatt

Game of Thrones: Survive the Realm Experience at the Omni Hotel Gallery

Ubisoft Assasins Creed Obstacle Course–  set up near the Gaslamp Hilton

For more resources  also visit
and Crazy4ComicCon


Jackery Giant Power Bank Reviews

Jackery Giant Power Bank Unboxing from Amazon

Jackery Giant Power Bank Unboxing from Amazon

When travelling one of the most important thing to have is connectivity. Connectivity to post updates in Facebook, update your Twitter feeds, maybe upload some pictures via Instagram, Tumblr or Flickr.  And connectivity need power.  Unfortunately most smartphone batteries really run about 6-7 hours a day with constant use.
If you are like me, when I travel, I mainly use my iPhone 5S as my MP3 player, camera and Facebook status updater…for the pictures I take. And normally i can deplete a fully charge phone with in 6 hours of constant use.

In a few weeks I will be traveling to the Philippines and Japan and my preparation mode has kicked into high gear.
For days I have been scouring Amazon and Gadget sites for an affordable external power bank.
If I had it my way I would have gotten myself a GoPlug bag. But since they are still on Kickstarter phase, that purchase would have to wait. So BTW please pledge to GoPlug power bags. it is truly worth it.

I was sold on getting an Anker® 2nd Gen Astro E3 10000mAh for $30.00  or an EasyAcc® 10000mAh Brilliant Ultra Slim Dual USB   for $27.00 when I came upon the Jackery Giant Portable Charger.
My IT manager who is my goto to all Gadget and Geekery advice (Thank You Craig!) told me that when getting portable backup batteries you also need to value in the charging speed. I need to look for anything that is 2Amps  to 3 Amps. And how I found the Jackery Giant Continue reading