Sending Electronics US- Philippines & Relocating Furniture US-Philippines (Ohh Woes)


Cargo container full of Balikbayan deliveries- shared from The Filipino Expat

This story starts with me wanting to ship a 27″ TV to the Philippines since Walmart and Best Buy had a pretty sweet deal for 24”-27” Flat screens under $140. I called my local Balikbayan cargo company like LBC to inquire about the electronics tax charge and sadly they are charging $50-100 tax fee on top of the shipping charges so that would be around $100-200.

Mind you the TV I’m planning to buy is around $99-110. That’s about less than PHP 5000. Supposedly as of October 2016 there is a new ACT that they are only to tax packages that are worth  PHP 10,000 and up- no more than $210 as of Oct 2016 exchange rates Continue reading